Ladies, when do you feel the most aroused?

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

When Women Rule the World

I stumbled upon this quote this morning: "Women really do rule the world.  They just haven't figured it out yet.  When they do, and they will, we're all in big big trouble."  ~Doctor Leon.

Isn't it awesome? Well, it brought to mind the James Brown song, "This is a man's world, but it wouldn't be nothing without a woman..." It's almost as if we allow it to be a man's world for now, and eventually we will take the lead when it is necessary. Men and women are so different that we compliment each other. Men are usually the more logical, straight-forward, no non-sense types while women add in what I like to call the "spice in life". Women add emotion to the equation and therefore make it an interesting place. Imagine how boring the world would be without love and passion, for example. Our world would still get along just fine, it would just be boring. A man's world is a black and white painting, but once a woman enters his world, she splashes vibrant color all over it.

One concern I would have if women did "take over" would be the way women handle their emotions. Maybe why the world is in the state it is in, though, is because men do not exhibit enough emotion. So, if women did someday "rule the world" I would think that we would need to have a balance of the two sides.
The most perfect thing I see is when a woman can have the balance between logic and emotion. All too often women resort to their emotions for every reaction. We don't always have to be yelling and crying. I've realized that life is too short to take most things too seriously. Obviously there are things that are worth crying over, you can't help it. A death in the family, your husband is going to jail, you're being sued... But if we try to look at most things as if they are small, it is easier to handle. I was that person that was a victim to my emotions and I was crying one second and laughing histerically the next. It was driving me nuts! But we wouldn't want to do away with all emotion because, like I said, it is the "spice of life". So I like to pick and choose the qualities from both men AND women that I find admirable. For example, men have a good sense of emotion- in a sense that they are not too dramatic. They have a logical, more solid approach to things. Women have a sense of nurturing and caring, a love that can't be matched that they show to those they deem deserving. These are just examples of the balance between the greatest things about both men and women.

In a way what I am getting at is whether we are a man or a woman, we shouldn't let our emotions take control of us, and we shouldn't ignore them either... it is almost a life's pursuit to balance the two. The best of both worlds, so to speak. If whoever "rules the world" could learn this, I think the world would be in a better state overall.

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